Wednesday, November 15, 2006

class party (or some gathering of some sort)

hi everybody, glad to say that chinese/malay A's, and PW (omg) is finally over!!!!

yay, rejoice.

regarding promo results, i'm really sad that a few of our friends are gonna be going back to year one.

if you appealed, i pray it goes through. if you didnt or it didnt make it through.. just know that it isnt the end. take it as another chance to master what you've learnt this year, keep it in your head for good. like what warren's best friend (the disipline guy) said, people who stay back do do better for their A's, so keep the faith and keep striving :) i'll be here to support you guys always, and the rest of the class will be with you too.

so yeah think we should hold some sort of an outing, to keep the class spirit alive :D i didnt know 1SC9 was so active in this blog haha, wonderful.

anyway, please do email me your ideas for the outing, the dates which you will NOT be free,
so i can work out something for everybody as much as possible :)

my email :

it was wonderful having 1SC9 with me for the year. thanks for being there.

your assistant class rep,
(who was never too helpful, taking this chance to organise sth haha)

Friday, November 03, 2006

photos :)

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